Project History
Saturday, October 9, 2021

Supporters and friends gathered on a beautiful Fall morning to officially open the first public clay courts in the Minneapolis Park system.
Join Us for the Grand Opening!
Friday, October 1, 2021

Who: Al Bangoura, Jono Cowgill, Londel French, Meg Forney, Marion Greene, Charles Weed, Mike Tieleman, Becky Contellano, and John Wheaton
What: The Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Where: Waveland Triangle Park
When: Saturday, October 9, 2021 10am - noon.
MPRB Announces the Commencement of Construction
Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board officially announced the commencement of construction of clay courts at Waveland Triangle.
Waveland Triangle Scheduled Construction Timeline
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
7/12/21 | Demolition of Existing Court |
7/20/21 | Water Infrastructure |
8/2/21 | Court Construction Begins |
8/23/21 | Fencing Begins |
8/30/21 |
Sidewalk Installation |
9/6/21 | Final Grading and Restoration |
9/13/21 | Final Court Preparation |
9/20/21 | Project Complete |
USTA Northern Section Awards MCCC $10,000 Matching Grant
Thursday, March 18, 2021

The USTA Northern Section Grants Committee awarded MCCC a $10,000 matching grant to support the clay court project. This is the third time that USTA Northern has come through for this project. It is so wonderful to have such strong support from the wonderful people at USTA Northern. Thank you!
Click here to read the letter.
Friday, February 26, 2021
MCCC, MPRB, GA Design, and Bruce Peterson (court contractor) conducting detailed planning meetings
$80,000 Hennepin Youth Sports Grant Awarded to the MPRB for Waveland Triangle Clay Courts
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Hennepin County Board Chair Marion Greene came through big for the clay court project this afternoon, offering an amendment to the Board Action Request to include $80,000 in funding for the clay courts!
2021 MPRB Capital Budget includes $120,000 for Clay Court at Waveland Triangle
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

On a 5-4 vote, the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board passed Resolution 2020-352 adopting the 2021 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Budget. The Capital Improvements Plan, which is part of the annual budget, included $120,000 for the construction of clay tennis courts at Waveland Triangle Park.
Clay Courts at Waveland Approved by Minneapolis Park Board
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
In an extraordinarily good day for the Minneapolis Community Clay Courts, the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board voted to approve the Master Plan for Waveland Triangle Park and recommend MCCC for a Hennepin Youth Sports Grant, which is funded by the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission.
MCCC Awarded $25,000 from USTA National
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The United States Tennis Association National Office awarded Minneapolis Community Clay Courts $25,000 to help fund the two clay courts at Waveland Triangle.
Cocktails for Clay Event a Big Success!
Saturday, March 7, 2020

Over 85 people gathered at the home of Lynda and Chris Stout to raise over $10,000! This allowed us to leverage a $10,000 USTA Northern matching grant. Thanks to everyone who came to the party and gave!
MPRB Releases Final Master Plan Draft
Friday, February 14, 2020
The Southwest Parks Plan Community Advisory Committee (CAC) has released the final draft of the Master Plan for Waveland Triangle and are looking for feedback. Let them know that you support building clay courts!