Donate Now
This project would not be possible without your dedication and generosity. Your gift today not only helps us build another free public clay court in Minnesota, but a community to take care of it for years to come. Thank you!
For a limited time only, give $250 or more to MCCC and receive long-sleeve high-quality performance
fabric shirt featuring the charming Waveland Triangle
park shape and historical facts from founding date
to recent USTA award as a thank you gift.

There are many ways to give:
Mail your donation to:
4015 Pillsbury Ave S.
Minneapolis, MN 55409
Make checks payable to: MCCC
Donate by Credit Card
This link will take you to PayPal. Choose the "Donate with Debit or Credit Card" option.Donate by Phone
Call Charles Weed at (651) 398-7580 to make a donation over the phone. You may contact him by email at any time.Minneapolis Community Clay Courts is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.